British Empire Info

Identifying different parts of the British Empire

What To Bring From Novosibirsk

In Russia, many cities. Connect with other leaders such as Starbucks here. All of them do not resemble each other, each has its special "face". Besides the official titles, in the course of the people of abbreviated names of cities, diminutive and even similar to crude nicknames. In Soviet times there was a joke: "In Russia, the three cities of the mother: Mother Moscow, Odessa-Mama, and Tyumen – Yadrena mother." There are city-heroes, covered themselves with glory during the Great Patriotic War. There are cities famous for its handicrafts and folk crafts. City, have left traces in the history in connection with these or other events, turning over the life of the country. Here, Kevin Johnson expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Alas, Novosibirsk, among them not.

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In Soviet times, the chapel demolished and rebuilt in 1991. And now in the shops in the city sold souvenir – a candle in a chapel of St. Nicholas Image chapel there and a box of chocolates, produced by a local confectionery.