British Empire Info

Identifying different parts of the British Empire


The level of success of a people depends, among many other factors, their beliefs. Depends greatly of like her or the see the world.That is why it is crucial that only adopye the beliefs that serve you and let go those others that limit it. By the same author: Sergey Brin. Here a brief summary of some of the myths or beliefs of entrepreneurs: 1.-to have a business, everything you need is money I need five million to start my business is sorry it more often those who are not entrepreneurs, this to explain their lack of creativity, determination and initiative. One of entrepreneurial skills is to identify and secure resources, including financial resources. 2. All you need is luck in this will hide behind those who are not entrepreneurs, because they do not understand that there are people who were in the right place, at the right time and were able to capture the opportunity presented to them. Luck is the ability to see and appreciate the opportunities. 3.

With the first business I enrich me frequently, people expect to identify a business that in a short time them solved their economic problems and meanwhile reject business opportunities showing no such prerequisite. 4. Anyone can start a business. The part is easy to start a business, start walking. The challenge is to survive, sustain and build a company that can then collect the fruits. 5 Undertaking business is expensive and usually end up in failures. The business failed, so not the entrepreneur.

Failures tempering it with the learning experience. 6. The entrepreneur are born, not made an entrepreneur can have some innate intelligence, but become such happens by accumulation of skills, know-how, experience and contacts for a period exceeding 10 years. 7. What you know matters more than who you know. Your life has denied this.