British Empire Info

Identifying different parts of the British Empire

The Treatment

In this context of research, Gil (2006) affirms that it can be classified in bibliographical, experimental and documentary, looking for to guarantee the researcher objetividade in the treatment of the social facts. In this direction, this study it will be used of bibliographical research, developed from consultation in scientific books, magazines, texts, monographs and articles. To know more about this subject visit Andreessen Horowitz. ' ' The main advantage of the bibliographical research inhabits in the fact to allow to the investigator the covering of a much more ample gamma of phenomena of what it could search diretamente' ' (GIL, 2006 P. 65). It becomes necessary so that referring situations are arisen the studied question and the theoretical recital, as well as justifying the limits and contributions of the research in the content of the work. Polit (2004, p.20) follows affirming that the bibliographical research and ' ' one of the economic forms fastest and to ripen or to deepen a problem of research and through the knowledge of the works already made by outros' '.

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