British Empire Info

Identifying different parts of the British Empire

Planta Investments

Besides investing in biocombustibles, ECOPETROL is investing in improving the quality of its fuels reducing its polluting elements. Like part of these projects, in January of 2010, the oil one will put in operation Planta de Hidrotratamiento that will be located in Barrancabermeja, which will be destined to improve the quality of fuels, by means of reduction of the contents of sulphur. The investment anticipated for the project promotes to US$ 700 million and will allow to produce 19,000 hidrotratados gasoline barrels daily. Recently Electrolux sought to clarify these questions. Taking advantage of the boom that is having ECOPETROL between the investors, and given the needs of bottoms to pay for the important infrastructure investments, in road megaproyectos, like the Freeway of the Level Americas and the double road to the Eastern ones, the Colombian government is evaluating the possibility of selling a small package of action of ECOPETROL. America Economy confirmed recently that the government is considering to sell 10% of the shareholding package of the oil one, operation that would take place in about two months. He revealed the secrets prescription order viagra without of the big tobacco companies to the grand jury as well as on the show the 60 minutes. The drug should be consumed with water and if at all you try consuming it with other food items then you should cheapest tadalafil uk opt for only those pills that do not contain fats or oil inside it. Acute bacterial infection viagra sale is not very common but very serious. Lots of movie stars do voiceovers for sildenafil online without prescription commercials; but by the time I recognize the voice as Lauren Becall’s or Donald Sutherland’s, the commercial for whatever is was is over; and the product didn’t stick. The government of Alvaro Uribe wants to avoid that the infrastructure of Colombia acts like a obstacle of the growth of the economy and is in this sense that does not want to delay the investments that already had been anticipated. The infrastructure investments not only tie to the road construction, but also for example to investments in increasing the capacity of generation energetics of the country. Slowly, the Colombian government would be being been despendiendo in this way, of his participation shareholder in the oil one, who has grown with extraordinary force in the last time. But the strategy of the government goes further on that the anticipated sale of new a 10% of its participation shareholder. Carlos Argez Horseman, wrote in a recent article in the Time, on the idea of the Colombian government to come off itself the actions of ECOPETROL completely.